Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Helsinki - After checking into the hotel, I inserted the hotel key card into the room lock and pushed the door open. It opened about an inch before clanging against the inside security lever.  Someone was in my room!  I went back to the front desk and reported the problem.  "It is not possible," I was told.  "Uh, actually it is," I said.  After double checking, the manager confirmed the previous room occupant had not left.  Upgrade to the executive floor for me.  All's well that ends well.

Now that's a latte!

Beautiful vanilla latte, not from Starbucks!   This from a barista at the Manchester UK airport.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Ready for Christmas in U.K.

Obviously, the British don't celebrate the American version of Thanksgiving so their Christmas decorations come out even earlier than ours.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Christmas in England

Well, I guess the British don't know it isn't even Black Friday, yet.  Their Christmas decorations are already up!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Nine Hours, Fifty Eight Minutes

Made it from the East coast of Iceland to the West cost in 9 hours and 58 minutes. It would have been quicker but I got discombobulated in Reyjkavik, not the first time, either.

Aviate, Navigate, Communicate

Pilots have a saying: "aviate, navigate, communicate," which means first fly your plane, then go in the correct direction, and finally tell people where you are. I'm reminded of that saying now as I retrace my steps back through Iceland without my wife and co-pilot Katrin. I dropped her and the kids off at the ferry this morning. Now I have to make it back to Keflavik without her navigation and language skills. And, oh yeah, I still have to avoid the numerous sheep that occupy this country and wander alongside the highway. I keep telling myself "aviate first."

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's a Small World

Sitting on the East coast of Iceland in the small town of Seydisfjordur I was reminded just how small the world is nowadays. Although we couldn't find a proper hotel to stay in, we did locate a bistro with free wi-fi. Everyone was so excited to instantly communicate with their friends and family back home. Facebook seemed the most popular choice. Perhaps I'll buy some stock after all.